Do you know exactly who will get your stuff when you die, or who will make important decisions for you if you are suddenly unable to make those decisions for yourself? If you already know, are you confident that these instructions are clearly written down and part of a current legal document?

If you’ve been putting these considerations off for later, it’s time for you to make some informed decisions – and remember, this part is for your family rather than you.

A core part of structuring your financial life is about considering and planning for the inevitable – your passing on, whenever that may happen. Setting up your Will, Power of Attorney and Medical Guardianship, and keeping these documents current, is one of the most important things you can do for your family. We work with you and your solicitor to ensure that your financial plan, and the tax implications of your death, are included in your Estate Planning considerations.

What you would like to have happen in your Estate Plan may also affect what’s going on in your financial plan. Doing this right means that each plan cannot be done in complete isolation to the other.